Inclusive Games 2020
#Inclusive Games

Wheelchair inclusive basketball

3 against 3. All participants will face each other in a wheelchair. Normal game, three-point contest, all with the excitement of high-level basketball.

Competition schedule

Icono baloncesto


1st semifinal Wheelchair basketball

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2nd semifinal Wheelchair basketball

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Triples contest

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Wheelchair basketball Final

baloncesto silla

Wheelchair basketball regulation

Participating federations


Participating athletes

For wheelchair basketball, four teams of 5 athletes each, 3 with disabilities and 2 without, while only three will be on track, two with disabilities and one without. For the three-point competition, the participation of players with and without disabilities of both genders will also be equitable, with 2 on foot and 2 on the chair, each of one gender.

Competitions - Tests

There will be two competitions: chair basketball and three-point competition. Of the first, the four teams will play semifinals and final, holding the triple contest before the final.

Fundación sanitas


Consejo Superior de deportes Comite Olímpico Comite Paralímpico Ayuntamiento de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Fundación Once Telemadrid Real Madrid


Fundación También Gobierno de España Special Olympics Emilio Sanchez Vicario  Down españa  Cermi Cedi Extremadura Patricia García


FEDDF FEDDI FEDC FEDPC FEDS Fetri Federación de natación Federación de Bádminton rfetm real Federación Atletismo Federación de Rugby Federación de Judo Federación de Taekwondo